Friday, June 3, 2011

Automatic Upgrades

Automatic Upgrades

“Automatic Upgrades”

If you select:  Automatic Upgrade Off
The system won’t upgrade anything for you.
You must manually go in and click on upgrades.
The next available Tier for you to upgrade to will appear.
You MUST do upgrades manually every time.

Best Choice
If you select: Automatic Upgrade On Next Tier
The system will automatically upgrade you to the next Tier.
Provided it finds enough funds in your wallet.
However, once you see that this has happened you must go back in and choose this option again for it to continue to the next Tier upgrade.
Using this will prevent you from missing the next Tier.

If you select: Automatic Upgrade On Continuous
The system will upgrade automatically through all Tiers.
DO NOT use this option unless you have $1,275 in your wallet.  Once you have begun to substantially fill your wallet with profits this option would be great especially if you are planning a vacation and the Internet is not always going to be available.