Friday, May 27, 2011

Keys and how they work!

Sponsoring just got easier!   
Everyone can purchase keys and use them to sponsor people who cannot afford $5.  Or better yet, what if your new people have not had time to fund their account (no payment processor information available at this time) these keys will be used to swiftly pay for his/her Tier 1.  Automatically and done immediately.  NO CLOCK!

You will be able to purchase 1 to 10 keys at a time.  $6 a key. 

All previously purchased keys must be used before you can purchase any additional keys.

When you want to send someone a key you will click on a key, then be asked to provide the person’s email address that he/she used to register in QLxchange.  He/she will receive an email with a code linked to that key and will have 48 hours to use the key.  By clicking on the link in their email it will take him/her to the OneX upgrade and it is completed automatically and immediately!

If that person has not used the key (clicked on Upgrade – OneX) in 48 hours then the key will go back to you for use with someone else.

It is recommended that you make sure the person you are giving the key to, understands that you expect them to buy keys as soon as they have enough money.  Sponsoring for them will be so much easier.  They can buy 1 at a time or more.

We will have the option to transfer keys to our personally sponsored people also.  Anyone using the keys will automatically be the sponsor of the new person.  However, because we want to help our people, transfering the keys to them will give them a chance to recruit and they will be the sponsor.  Once the transfer option is there we will have a better understanding of this process.

Just one more tool we can use to insure everyone is successful in OneX.